2001 剧情片 加拿大
亚伦和温迪是一对人见人羡的夫妻档,但他们的婚姻里却有一个不为人知的致命伤——他们的性活并不美满。他们在时尚杂志上看到一幅“Zebra Lounge”俱乐部的广告,在好奇心的驱使下他们到了那个俱乐部,并
2001 剧情片 加拿大
该影片基于Marilyn Bell(Caroline Dhavernas饰演)的真实故事改编。Marilyn Bell当时16岁,是一名游泳健将,她正尝试成为第一个游泳横渡安大略湖的人。但当时美国还有
2001 剧情片 加拿大
威廉赫特(William Hurt)大显绅士矜持和中年沧桑的近年佳作。这次赫特饰演胸怀理想的大厨戴夫,在人迹罕见的纽芬兰悬崖上开了家高级法国餐厅,初时自然门可罗雀,好在蛊惑邻居出谋献策,谣传此区出现珍
2001 剧情片 英国
A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt
2001 剧情片 英国
Sex is currency. It commands power and can instil fear. Tom (Daniel Newman), a young man with a troubled past finds himself sucked into a seedy underworld by George Norris (Mark McGann), a now super villain with a sadistic streak. A helpless pawn in one o